Friday 1 January 2016

New Year!

Last year was quite a big year for me! I accomplished a few things I never expected I would.

So the year before last I finished High School. I was never good at high school and that was shown when so I failed my last year. After that, I wasn't quite sure what I wanted to study but I knew I had an interest in computers so I applied for a computing certificate. I aced everything getting A's and loved it. I applied for a Bachelor in Information Technology and I'm still loving it! Only downside is I am the only girl in my classes so I'm a bit of an outsider but the guys seem nice and the lecturers are lovely. Later in the year came and I got quite sick and was worried I would have to pull out of my papers but I pulled through and passed everything :)

Another huge achievement was moving out of home and in with my aunty which let me be more independent and in control of my life. That was a great eye opener and has made me a lot more confident in myself and things I can do that I wouldn't have been able to in 2014!

Now that this year has arrived, I decided to take another big step and move out of my aunties and into a flat of girls I don't know at all! I will have to fend for myself, buy my own food, cook my own food and make my own way to lectures! 

This year my new years resolutions will be:

1. Workout! I hear people say all the time that you feel so much better after so I want to see if thats true!
2. Get more than 70% in everything!
3. Don't put to much pressure on myself which I guess is related to number 2.
4. Organise myself more!
5. Be more confident in my cooking.
6. Start a blog and continue it! I have always had a passion for writing and I would love to share that with people :) 

I think that is some decent resolutions for this year! Lets see what this year brings and I hope it's all a great one for you all!

What are your resolutions? 

Thank you for reading! 

Love you all xx

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